Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekend Catch Up

A weekend spent with family will always clear the mind…..then realization enters your thoughts, letting it be known exactly why these people are your sanctuary. I took the day off work with my sister to spend some much needed time. We spent most of the day laughing and being silly. Some great buys found us as the local thrift store. I don’t know why I even bother spending money sometimes on new items when there are so many great buys out there that people have given away. I have created a list of things I would like to master in my time here, listed below. I am sure I may add a few items to my list later on.

  1. Patience
  2. Self Gratitude
  3. Love
  4. Worship
  5. Pleasure
  6. Humility
  7. Selflessness
  8. Devotion
  9. Empowerment
  10. Wonder
  11. Freedom
  12. Beauty
  13. True Happiness
  14. Travel
  15. Pride
  16. Miraculous
  17. Inspiration
  18. Joy
  19. Accomplishment
  20. Endurance

Today I am working and making plans…I have attached a few pictures from this weekend. Although this was obviously a creation from man I feel that it was a sign from somewhere else to remember that no matter happens what love is important.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The stages of a butterfly’s life often mimic those of humans. Butterflies spend 90% of their life time working towards becoming this beautiful creature. When the goal is finally attained, they only get a brief period to bask in the glory. The shortest life span of an adult butterfly is two days while the longest is twelve months. It hardly seems long enough to enjoy the hard work. I feel sorry for them….but how am I really different? What makes my life routine any different? How am I making better use of my time? What if the caterpillar were to put off his work and dreams of becoming a butterfly as I do with mine? Would he one day look back and wonder how great he could’ve been? These are questions I often ponder. There are so many constraints in life that tell me I need to be with someone, have a house, make great money and start a family to be happy. After many failed attempts of trying achieving this life, I am ready to find out what will truly make me happy and allow me to be the butterfly that I always intended to be……..

I have decided to outline my life as a butterfly, and rewrite my own story……..all along the way I will be documenting my changes and enjoying every minute of this short life span……you are here for a moment……..

 Stage One

The Egg. (stage Approx 6 months) This will be my rebirth to put it in a cheesy way. The Retreat. I will stick close to home and spend a majority of my time working on myself and getting to know all of the things I overlooked for so long. This is a self improvement phase. Old habits will be kicked and plans for new habits will be formed.

Stage Two

The caterpillar. (stage Approx 12 months)  This stage is about growth and personal achievement. Venturing away from protection and comfort zones. The caterpillar is slow and so will be the steps to reaching my goals. Challenges and aspirations that have been put away for a long time or brushed off will finally be conquered. A venture far from home will occur and the preparation for the big transformation will take place. Fear will no longer be an option.

Stage Three

The cocoon.  (Approx 6 months) Seclusion and creation of complete independence will occur in this stage. A developmental plan will be set in motion for a true change that will effect conception from others as well as self. Sense of self will be strengthened. All plans are in action.

Stage Four

The Great beauty. (Ongoing) Self sufficiency will be accomplished. True happiness will be achieved and enjoyed.